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Row 503
Concept, name, image, words all created by Luba for BevMo and Dreyfus Ashby & Co. Importers. Product is now national

Row 503

Row 503
Tag design for row 503 box design

Mionetto Presto
Design created for Mionetto for Whole Foods

Piper Ranch
Concept, design, name and photography created for Iron Chef Michael Symon's restaurant "Lola"

Cantor Ranch
Concept, design, name and image created for private label Dreyfus Ashby & Co. for Vino Volo airport restaurants nationally

Le Petit Coq
Concept, design, name and art created created for Chateau Rigoletto for Pasternal Wine Imports. Won best Beaujolais of the year.

Dingo Ridge Australian Wines
Concept design for Whole Foods for Pasternak Imports

Les Deux Rives Label

Sunday Mountain Label
Re package design created for Pasternak Imports

Baron De Rothschild
Concept design for Whole Foods

Baron de Rothschild
Design created for Pasternak for Whole Foods

Label and package design for Miami restaurant and product

Filadonna wine label
Concept design for new Italian wine

Enrique Foster Malbec Design
Concept for a new malbec wine for Foster

Snow Crane
Re branding design for new sake brand

Concept for Argentinian malbec for Pasternak Imports

Filadonna Wine Label
Label design created for Dreyfus Ashby US Imports

Papa Vino
Label design created for Papa restaurants
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